Laboratory Courses (Fachpraktikum)

The individual experiments conducted in the general laboratory usually take one afternoon. Most of the laboratories at D-ITET offer such experiments. Some of these experiments may already be carried out in the second year of study.

One such afternoon usually corresponds to a quarter of a credit point. Registration is only possible for larger units, namely "General Laboratory I" worth 2 credits (i.e. 8 afternoons) and "General Laboratory II" worth 4 credits (i.e. 16 afternoons), see the course catalogue. Thus, the maximum number of credits in this category is limited to 6.

Course registration is possible every week between Sunday 21:00h and Thursday 18:00h.

Please login with your n.ETHZ account to register for laboratory courses.

User login

Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website:

Experiment assistants: Please read the Q&A document provided here.
